Chinese Poker (Not Pai Gow Poker)
This is a community card pot building High/Low poker variant where each player can use 5 cards from the board of 15, but there are rules as to how many cards a player can use from a given row.
- Each player receives 2 cards (down)
- 15 Community cards are placed in the center(down).
- Based on the cards in your hand there is a round of betting
- The top row of community cards (see above) are turned over; from this row each player can use 2 cards in their hand
- Round of Betting
- The center row of community cards are turned over; from this row each player can use 2 cards in their hand
- Round of Betting.
- 1 card from the bottom row is turned over; A player can use a total of 1 card from the entire bottom row.
- Round of Betting.
- The cycle continues until all cards five cards on the bottom row are turned over.
- Round of betting
- All players remaining in the hand turn over their cards and make their best high and low (8s or better) hands 5-card by using 2 cards from the top, 2 cards from the center and 1 card from the bottom row.
- High and low split the pot.
It is important for players to keep their cards in front of them and not place them near the community cards. Since there are multiple combinations possible, the best winning hands may not be immediately apparent.