Steal a heart
Steal a heart is a 7-card stud variant. Each player is dealt 7 cards; 3 down and 4 up. If a player recieves a heart (face up) then they can steal any up or down card from any player still in the game.
- Each player is dealt 2 cards down.
- Each player is then dealt a single up card. If this (or any supsequent up cards) is a heart then the player receiving the card can take any up or down card from any player who has not folded his cards.
- Round of betting based on the highest hand displayed (face up).
- Three additional up cards are dealt. If any of these cards is a heart, the player receiving the card can take any up or down card from any player who has not folded.
- A final down card is dealt.
- Final round of betting.
- Winner is the highest 5-card poker hand remaining in the game.